Menu from Charlie's Eetcafé
Check out the menu at Charlie's Eetcafé and discover what everyone's craving! Know what to expect when you book a table at Charlie's Eetcafé: From appetizers to desserts, discover the delicious food awaiting you. You can even peek at the prices, menu highlights and popular dishes from Charlie's Eetcafé. Mmm we’re getting hungry already…
Check out the menu(s)
Menu highlights
Country Style Ribs
Varkenskrabben, hoisinsaus, gember, appel, bosui
Smoked Mackerel
Gerookte makreel (lauw-warm), aardappel, rode ui, Bourbon-BBQ
Tasty Tomato Soup
Pomodori, groene pesto, op basis van groentebouillon
Pan-fried Pork
Varkenshaas, groene asperge, chorizo-kruim
Charlie's Steak
Zij-lende biefstuk v/d grill
Chicken Saté
2 stokjes, pindasaus, kroepoek, huisgemaakte atjar, gebakken uitjes
Mojito Sorbet
Limoen, munt sorbetijs, citrusfruit, aardbei, Sprite
Chocolate Factory
Chocolademousse, rood fruit, oreo's, chocolate chip cookies, slagroom
Karamelroomijs, karamelsaus, stukjes stroopwafel, slagroom